Have you ever noticed that the things we are most afraid of are the things we know the least about?
That was the case for me when it came to the topic of death and dying.
The accumulation of limting beliefs I picked up over time was crippling. I had an unconscious fear that manifested as anxiety for as long as I can remember. At the root of those limiting beliefs was the idea that I was not good enough. Not good enough to live the life I wanted and not good enough to go to heaven someday.
That may sound silly, but when you live your life with a belief that you're not good enough and will spend all eternity burning in Hell fire, it impacts every decision you make, consciously or unconsiously.
I experienced death for the first time, ten years when my grandfather died. It felt like an overdose of grief, hearbreak, and loss wrapped into a tightly coiled snake strangling me and only getting tighter over time.
I realized that the only way to unravel myself from the darkness was to go into the darkness itself and discover what its true nature actually is. In a way, his death awakened a seeking within me that was unquenchable.
I studied everything I could get my hands on. from ancient and religious texts to magick, consciousness, and everything in between. I could not get enough of following the rabbit holes and uncovering truths that are linked far beyond you would even imagine.
I then discovered the world of NDEs. Near-death experiences are a trendy topic these days. And I totally understand why.
The first time I read a near death experience story, it blew me out of the water. I was in shock for days, and it took me a while to actually process what I had read.
See, growing up, I was told that we only have one chance to live life, and at the end of our lives, when we die, we will be judged by God who will decide our fate, Heaven or Hell for all eternity. So essentially, I believed that God created me to test me and then judge me. There are no do-overs. There are no second chances. If my 'bad deeds' outweighed my 'good deeds' by even a fraction of a percent, to Hell, I would go for all eternity.
But wait, there's more. This only applied to believers. who followed the one true God. Everyone else was already condemned from the jump. If you were born as a non-believer, your fate was already decided, and you needn't bother with racking up good deeds because you didn't have a choice, Hell was your only option. I was further told by my religious teachers how lucky I was that I was born into a family that followed the one and only true God, so I still had a chance. Lucky me.
So by the time I was an adult, I had gathered quite a bit of relgious trauma, which oozed out me as anxiety and a lack of self-worth.
It took me many years of healing and dedication to truth that eventually set me free. Discovering near-death experiences was a major contributor to my path of self-disovery and seeking truth.
Here are some of the truths I've discovered and/or confirmed through near-death experiences that changed my perspective and released the fear of death and dying.
1. God is ALL loving. There is no judgement, only unconditional love. We are not only created by God, but we are a part of God.
2. We are here on Earth to learn, grow, evolve, and experience. We are eternal, infinite souls having a temporary human experience. Being on Earth is not a punishment. It's a blessing and opportunity.
3. There is no religion in Heaven. Everyone is loved and accepted unconditionally. No exceptions.
4. You are and always will be good enough because you are an extension of God. We all are.
5. Nothing is random or coincidence. Everything happens for a reason and purpose.
These are just a few truths that have had an enormously positive impact on my life, and I am happy to share an exciting project that is coming on March 21st, 2024.
I gathered fourteen near-death experiencers and compiled their stories into a co-author book titled 'Death'.
Each author shares their near-death experience, the lessons they've learned, the truths they've discovered, and how their NDEs have changed their lives. You will be shocked and enlightened by what they each have to share.
You can read more about their stories in our upcoming book - Death.
Available on pre-order here: https://near-deathinstitute.com/death-the-book